Consignment sales
Need help selling your horse or pony? Come to the experts with over 20 years experience and an average of selling/leasing 100+ horses and ponies a year!

Show Team
Picturesque riders can keep updated with our away show schedule!
Want to join our team! Be sure to ask us about our horse showing options.
picturesque farm show series
Join us for our Wednesday evening schooling shows hosted every summer with series end prizes! VHSA and BHSA recognized.
Also mark your calendars for our winter schooling shows hosted once a month on Saturdays designed for up and coming riders of all ages! BHSA recognized.

We offer lessons all year for riders of all ages and levels. Our lessons are tailored to each student as we strive to create strong riders and horsemen.
Summer camps
We offer 5-6 weeks of summer riding camps to kids ages 6 -15 from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm. It is a fun filled horse camp suited for beginners and advanced riders alike!

Contact Us
- 7769 Piccadilly Dr. Warrenton, VA 20186
- 540-349-2026 Office
- 540-878-6579 Kristy's Cell
- 540-347-5943 Fax